Tuesday, July 7, 2009


Today I did the following....
1) got out of bed too late (kids have been going to bed later because of summer)
2) glared at hubby after he came home from his bike ride (I haven't done yoga in four days!)
3) made everyone breakfast
4) shoved kids in car for shopping trip
5) went to go buy bar stools and they only had one... now I need to travel for the second
6) went to Target and got two items on my fifteen item list... kids fought and begged and cried the whole time so we left
7) came home because someone had to pee
8) tried out second grocery store in the area (Trader Joe's)... but god help me I can't get my brand of hummus anywhere! Why can't I find a grocery store that has everything I need?
9) came home feed up and exhausted... and can't believe I have 7.5 more weeks of this!
10) feed kids lunch and put on the TV and started to read my 100+ blogs because I just got my Internet back up last night.
11) fixed sprinklers (I think)
12) laundry and dishes

What I should have done:
1) vacuumed... but the crappy carpet has clogged my vacuum and needs to be taken apart (or something) and only hubby can do it. I just might go buy another one.
2) mopped... but the mop isn't here... at other house.
3) got everything I need at Target (well, I really don't need all of it)
4) started planning for my vegetable garden on the side of the house (but need hubby for planter bed)
5) set up the router for my hubby's computer
6) let the kids slip and slide
7) got orders out
8) bank

Today's another day... but tomorrow I clean the old house (which I'm dreading) and I need to go to Costco. Pray that I'm able to go to yoga tonight and that all will be right with the world again.

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