Friday, January 30, 2009

I'm a prisoner!

The last few days we have noticed a horrible noise coming from the garage door.  My husband told me last night that we might need a new one.  I said, "Well, it still works right?".  But just to be carefull I made sure I could get in the side door in case it decided to stop working.  Still believing I could manually bring it up once I got in the garage.  

As I've mentioned in my previous post.  I have a quite a bit on my "to do" list right now.  I have more important things to worry about... And trust me I worry.  I worry about just about everything.  So I surely wasn't going to start worrying about the darn garage door.  

So today as I was joyously bouncing into the garage getting ready for my Yoga class... I tried to open the garage door.  WELL, guess what!  It broke.  The vertical bars that attach to the garage door no longer pull the darn thing up because they snapped right off.  I can't manually get it up and I of course freaked.

1. Forget Yoga
2. I'm trapped...
3. How will I get my kids?
4. No tae kwon do today
5. No grocery store
6. I'm trapped... 
7. We didn't want to put more money in this money pit house!
8. I'm trapped...
9. Please don't make me drive my husband's old stinky car!
10. Did I mention that I'm trapped...

Okay, so I called my husband and he is going to come home in a few hours to get my car out (doubt it) or give me his car (this could be a whole other post).  I called the garage door company and they said it will be 3-5 business days before I can get a new garage door.  WHAT?  I surely can't be a "prisoner" for 3-5 business days.  That's next FRIDAY!  

Darn garage door!  Why couldn't you had broken after we moved (sorry, future owners)! DARN garage door.  Insert "&@$%@" where you see "darn".

UPDATE:  Got car out of garage!! YEAH!!  MY very STRONG husband lifted it up!  The spring was broken so I couldn't do it.. trust me I'm strong.  Just not that strong!

1 comment:

  1. Poor you! Let me know what happens....Are you still moving then??

