Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Organic Food

Went to the grocery store today and spent $190.  Wow.  I'm trying to cut as many corner's as I can by using coupons and using the "meat" for two meals instead of just one.  For instance, we had Chicken Caesar Salad last night and BBQ Chicken Pizza tonight  and then next will be roast and then chili the following night with the left overs.  

I've been thinking a lot about organic lately.  When I do buy organic produce I notice a big difference in flavor and freshness.  But I still need to get the "standard" items at the grocery store and then go to the "fancy" organic store for the fresh produce.  That means two trips for groceries and for the weeks that I go to Costco then that would be three trips.  So purely out of laziness I don't usually go to the "fancy" organic store.  

And I've wanted to stop eating processed food completely.  It's not like I eat a bunch now.  I'm not sure I can do without my Pirate's Booty and Low Fat Wheat Thins.  Is that bad?  I guess it's processed... so it's bad.  So my goal for the next month is to shop MORE at the "fancy" organic store.  And test out "organic" food for the whole family. 

1 comment:

  1. OMG!!! We get to go to Disney pretty soon! We will be there on the 7th of March....Are you still up for meeting for dinner? I can't wait.
    Email me I haven't talked to you in awhile :)
