Thursday, February 5, 2009

LOST 5.3

This was not one of those episodes that I needed a few days to absorb or think about it.  Several things happened that I knew where going to happen.  So no big "Ah HA" moments.  No real questions being answered and to me it felt like a "20 minute" episode.  Too short and not enough content.  I'm hoping next week is better.

So what we got is Sun maybe isn't B A D (like I had said before).. she didn't take off with Aaron like I expected.  But she is planning on shooting Ben (again not a shocker).. but I was thinking last night in my sleep (don't you dream about LOST too?).. I was thinking.. how does she know that Ben killed the Keamy guy and that was caused the boat to blow up?  Well, Jeremy Bentham (aka Locke) must have told her when he visited... ? Yes?

And we got to see that Jin is alive.  Well, DUH.  I didn't have to read the spoiler website (which I sometimes do) to know that one.  DUH.  And Jin runs into Rousseau.  We haven't gotten out "back story" on Rousseau yet it is way over do!  Look forward to finding out more info on that story line.

Sawyer sees Kate and Claire in the jungle.  Which answers the question.. can they see themselves?  I guess so.  And the scene with Claire giving birth wasn't an accident.  This will somehow tie into what's about to happen.  

Okay, on the weird Lawyer guy.. is it just me or is he familiar?  Anyway, if he is working for Ben then it makes sense that he was using him to scare Kate into going back to the island.. but WHY was Claire's mom there?  If she doesn't know anything.. whats the point?  Best line last night!  Ben: "He's my Lawyer".  I LOVE that guy!

Okay, back to the nose bleeding... okay, makes no sense.  Why?  Has something to do with HOW LONG you've been on the island... according to Faraday.  Okay, then what about Faraday.. no nose bleed there and we've seen him on the island before.  Then Miles gets his first nose bleed (could he be the baby of the scientist tape guy?).  And now Juliet?  She has been on the island for a few years...  At what point did women stop having babies on the island?  My number one question is "Why can't women have babies on the island?".  PLEASE, let's just answer that one this season!

How dumb was the boat shooting scene? Hello writers! We aren't dumb!

Last question, if the people off the island have been gone for three years and go back now.. then how long were the island people hopping time?  Or is there really a difference between the mainland and the island?  Is time faster on the island?   Remember when Faraday had that thing shot from the boat to the island and there was some kind of time difference...  need to find that scene on you tube.

Hope next week is better!

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