Wednesday, February 18, 2009

LOST 5.4

I haven't posted about last weeks LOST episode for a reason... well, several reasons.  But here is one.. I was very unhappy with this episode.  I'm NEVER unhappy about an episode.  I read on other's blogs.. that it was a great episode and one even said one of the best ever.. these comments had me confused.. I really didn't like the episode.

So I have pondered the episode for the last 6 1/2  days... Here is what we found out.

1. More info on Danielle... she killed off the crew days after they went into the "smoke monster's" hole in the ground.   She said that they weren't the same.. and one even tried to kill her... so she shot him.  

2. If Juliette called the "smoke monster" a security system for the island.. why did it kill the French people.. and why didn't it kill Locke back in season one?

3.  LOVED the "I'm from Encino" comment by Miles!

4. Charlotte grew up on the island.. but left somehow? And she was told by Faraday to never come back or she would die.  WHAT?  And she dies before we get more info.

5. Locke talks with Christian in the well (whatever, so confused but NOT shocked by this).  But wait.. who knew that they could access the wheel from the well?  Was it Charlotte? How did she know?

6.  Ben didn't know Eloise was Faraday's mom.  Somehow I don't think Desmond should have shared that...

Okay, after breaking it down.. it doesn't seem as bad as I thought it was.  I'm just frustrated with the amount of episodes spent on them trying to get back to the island.  AND if the whole season is spent on them "trying" to get back to the island I will throw something at the TV.  I'm ready for some more action and some questions being answered...

So I'm definitely looking forward to tonight!

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