Monday, March 16, 2009

An apple a day...

So I was feeling better about the way my jeans fit this last week... they were a tiny bit baggy in places.  I don't get on the scale every day because it's not good for me... so I was sure I would see that I lost a pound or two.  I hopped on and it said I GAINED A POUND!!! What?  I know weight doesn't matter as much as how clothes fit.. but give me a break here! 

I eat an apple a day! I eat mostly organic... don't eat junk food.. only drink water... do yoga almost every day.. just did a 5K... what the heck?????

I use to eat crap all the time and never exercised and I was a size two!!  Given I wasn't a mother of two and I was in my twenties...

I know.. I shouldn't complain because I'm a size 8.  I know that is a normal weight.. but I've work so hard to be a size 6.  I started to think Old Navy changed their jeans sizes this year!

So whats the motivation for me to eat right and exercise when I can't lose a single pound?  In fact I only have gained weight....  I'm about this close to having a cheeseburger, fries and a vanilla shake!

My husband says muscle weighs more then fat.. you should see my guns.. my arms have never looked like this.. but my ass and thighs have never been fatter (except when I was pregnant).. it must be an age thing.

I think I need a personal trainer... I obviously can't do this on my own.  Any personal trainers out there?

To top it all off today... It was warm so I put on some shorts... and I have this really nice "dimple" right in the middle of one of my thighs.. it's never been there before! Come on!!  So I bought some skirts to cover my thighs.. and I'm thinking... is this the beginning of being an old woman weighing jeans when it's 100 degrees outside because I'm to embarrassed to show my legs.  My mom does that! Sorry mom!  So goodbye short shorts!  And hello skirts.

Should I still eat that apple?  Or chuck it at someone who is a size two!

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