Wednesday, April 22, 2009


I was thinking today how very grateful I am for the simple things in life.  I have a husband who loves me even though our relationship is far from perfect.  I have two beautiful children who think the moon rises and falls on me, yet I don't feel I deserve it most days.  And I have my health and the ability to do yoga every day in this beautiful place called Earth.

I'm often reminded of a brief conversation I had with a woman in front of a Staples a few years ago.  I was in rush to run in and grab some supplies before nap time.  My daughter and son must have been 3 and 1 at the time.  I apologized to the woman waiting to get in her car while I wrestled the kids from the back seat of my car.

She look at me with such yearning and sadness.  And out of nowhere she told me that her daughter (adult daughter) had recently passed away and that I should cherish every moment I have with my children.  She went on to say that her daughter had been a mom also and how so sad she is that her grandchild will not grow up with a mom.  I was hit at the very core by this moment and even now... many years later I think of that mom and remember how very GRATEFUL I am... for these moments... for these days... for every touch, hug and kiss... because we don't know if they will be taken away tomorrow or the next day.  We must all be grateful for how little or how much time we have on this glorious placed called earth.

I wish that woman knew how much of an impact she has had on my life... that her sorrow touched me and reminds me to always be grateful.

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