Thursday, April 30, 2009


This morning my son had his Mother's Day Fashion Show at school.  I remembered last night and got out his shirt and bow tie and hung it in his room so I wouldn't forget in the morning.  And I remembered what time to be there and everything went off without a hitch... the reason I'm making such a big deal about this is last year... things were a bit different...

Last year, my daughter had her fashion show and I completely forgot in the morning and to make it worse I dropped her off at school and then came home to a very sad message from my daughter saying that she needed her dress for the fashion show... I grabbed her dress and drove 80 miles an hour back to her school to find her in tears because I didn't "remember".... I have lots of days like that.  But last year... I forgot tons of stuff... I was working 14 hours a day (including weekends) on my business and I was beyond stressed.

So back to today!  I was sitting there watching my son's show and thinking how proud I was of how different I am today then I was a year ago.  And that's a lot coming from me... you see... I'm a bit hard on myself all the time (yes, ALL the time).  So I came home and did some grocery shopping and then decided to go off to Target and get a few things... and on my merry ride home I get a call from the school...

When the phone rang and I saw it was the school and I immediately thought "Oh No, closing school because of the swine flu"....  The lady in the office said "I have your daughter here and she would like to come home"... And I'm thinking "Oh No, she has the swine flu"... and I kind of paused... waiting for her to go on... and then she said "Today is minimum day"...  And then I was like "Thank God she doesn't have the swine flue" and then I thought "Oh NO, I forgot my kids at school"... "again"......

Yeap, just when I was ready to toot my own horn on being so much better at remembering things... I forget again!  So I immediately called my husband (after picking the kids up) and said "see I need the iphone.  because if I had had my iphone it would have texted me and let me know that today was minimum day".

But seriously, do you ever feel like as a mom (with kids in school)  that there are so much to remember.  And as a wife running the household... I often feel so overwhelmed to remember everything.

1 comment:

  1. I have forgotten Tori at school too! So don't feel bad! We are only human and we can't be SuperMommy all day long!!
    Cute story to tell them when they are older. lol
