Tuesday, June 9, 2009

My New Journey...

has begun. I've been feeling a little "unsatisfied" with my yoga classes lately. I kept thinking that maybe it was me progressing past the skill level of the class or it was the instructor themselves... had they changed their classes in some way? What had changed?

I had a very bad class last week with a instructor I had been going to for a very long time. We did a series of hip openers the whole class and then the ending rest pose was about a minute (if that) and I left feeling "anxiety" and "anger". I felt so bad ALL DAY... I just wanted to go to bed and have the day be over. I did some research and talked with a few people and found that hip openers tend to bring up emotions because we hold a lot of our emotions in our hips. I'm fine with releasing my emotions but not if they go right back into my hips.. otherwise, I would just prefer they stay there. Why ruin my day?

A few days later, I went to my Ashtanga class and all was right with the world again. And then it hit me... its not the instructors... its not my skill level... its ME. My inner teacher was speaking to me and telling me what I need... I need to change my practice and do what "feels" good to me.. not go to six classes a week in an obsessive manner... I need to listen to my body and do what "feels" right to me. Whether that be going into "child pose" because I've had enough or only practicing with certain instructors and BEGIN to grow my home practice (which I've very apprehensive about). So I decided to add a pilates class once a week to strengthen my core and changed my schedule a bit.

I've experienced the most amazing transformation the past two days... I've been doing a smaller class with one of my fav instructors and been getting a lot of one on one attention. I've done things the past two days that have amazed me.... Hand Stands, Head Stands, Scorpion poses WITHOUT the wall.

My Crow Pose (see pic above) ROCKED! All I have to do is listen to myself... now if I could get my husband and kids to listen to me!

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